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On one hand they feel guilty for the ecological destruction humans are causing. On the other hand people fear the consequences of our civilisations insensitivity to the life organism of the Earth.

None of both is right! Instead of bouncing between the feelings of guilt and fear, the change in the personal relationship to the Earth is needed:
Accept that we human beings are part of the Earth, also part of her heart-consciousness. What we do, she is doing. She has no other hands to create upon the Earth surface, as ours. Even the destruction in the environment can be understood in a positive way, as a means, for example, how to produce urgency for change. We are urged to change. Our civilisation has to move towards a greater wholeness, true freedom, towards a quantum leap in consciousness.

M. Pogacnik

(quindi è come nelle relazioni tra le persone: paura e sensi di colpa non portano a nulla di costruttivo. Prima o dopo il contadino ritroverà pure la forza e il tempo per scrivere qualcosa da pugno suo)

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