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How one can become a terrorist

You're invited to shop for large selection of bombs and different kinds of rockets such as surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and weaponry available at reduced price. With the following types of rockets you will be able to commit terrorist attacks, destroy buildings, electric power stations, bridges, factories and anything else that comes your mind. Most items are in stock and available for next day freight delivery in the USA. Worldwide delivery is available at additional cost. Prices are negotiable.

Our clients are well known Al-Qaida, Hizballah, Al-Jihad, HAMAS, Abu Sayyaf Group and many other terrorist groups. We are well known supplier in the market and looking forward to expand our clientage with assistance of Internet.

Oggi nello filtro spam di Thunderbird, con ICQ e indirizzo web. Segue una lunga lista di missile terra-aria ecc. Altro che pen*s enlargement. Il problema per gli USA è come bombardare se stesso ora. Il sito esiste ed è in flash, con dei link mailto e la FAQ in costruzione.

aggiornamento: Il contadino ora pensa che è o l'FBI o la CIA a pescare fessi. Mah.


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commenti (3)


Want to join Hamas. Please provide info.


You missed the point. That text was an e-mail spam i got. So I'cannnot help you, and I don't think fighting someone will help to have a better world, it will get even worse. Fight the jihad inside youself.


Fight the jihad inside youself.

Bella, bella, bella. Direi che ritrovo quel che dice il buddhismo in queste parole e credo anche dette da altre filosofie.

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