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Espressioni proibite

MSN Spaces, la piattaforma blog di Microsoft censura i blog in China ovviamente perché i soldi non puzzano, ma questo non è mica vero. Provi di scrivere di democrazia, libertà, demonstrazione, indipendenza Taiwan ecc. e ottieni questo:

"This item contains forbidden speech. Please delete the forbidden speech from this item."

I blogger indipendenti che hanno il prorio server si devono registrare e hanno un numerino sul blog.

Questo è il problema. E questo qui potrebbe essere una soluzione:

The solution is free and painless for all involved. This is how it works. A blog (or any website, really) using an independent hosting service hosts a blocked blog. (This simply means creating a subdirectory where the adopted blog can be published and store its files.) The host blog should not have a significant readership in the country where the adopted blog is blocked, because the host blog is running a (small) risk of being blocked in that country. The adopted blog is run completely independently of its host, via a blog client such as Blogger, Movable Type, or WordPress? (if the host has installed Movable Type or Word Press and is willing to share the engine). The adopted blog should link back to its host on its main page, and it would be appreciated if it also included a small Adopt a Blog banner to help promote awareness of the program. The host blog could also display a small Adopt a Blog banner or a link to its adopted blog if it so chose.

By distributing the blocked blogs across a variety of hosts, the task of blocking a large number of blogs becomes increasingly difficult. If any adopted blog is blocked, it can say its thank yous and farewells to its host and then move onto a new host.

Ora è quasi mezzanotte, ma il contadino ci pensa su di adottarne uno, visto che il primo asilante è entrato il letargo domestico e suo figlia lo studia pure, questa lingua. Per partecipare basta segnalare il proprio blog a del.icio.us/tag/adoptablog
o di inserire il link


[Il tutto via Rabenhorst ]

update: I have the possibility to host one blog on my server running Movable Type version 2.61. If you'r interested in click here.

如此我有这种可能性主持一两blog 在我的服务器跑可移 动的型版本2.61 。如果你感兴趣点击这里 Mail


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