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Perdere chili con Jesų

L'ignoranza non muore mai e c' sempre gente che ancora non conosce l'ultima moda di dieta da seguire: The Halleluja Diet®, Biblically Based. Scientifically Validated. Personally Evidenced..

Legendo la loro ricetta č la vecchia macrobiotica in camicia nuova, biblica questa volta. Basta Guru indiani avanti Moses. Che poi rinunciare a cuocere gi alimenti fa abbastanza danno all'organismo; macinare e cuocere sono anche aiuti alla digestione, mangiare il grano crudo ci costa molta forza.

Partendo da qui si trovano altre chicche deliranti come queste:

There is nothing mysterious or secret to this diet. The problem with diets is that they don't deal with the real problem- sin. It is a sin to make a pig of yourself, and it is common to pass off fat with stories about metabolism and embolism et al. If you are still covering your sin, go find an expensive diet plan and a shrink and wear your soul and pocket book thin. When you have had it with that, come read this again.

[in parole povere: essere obeso č peccato.]

Healing foods
Click here for a listing of foods mentioned in the Bible....

... is also the best-selling author of "What Would Jesus Eat", "The Bible Cure booklet series", "Toxic Relief" and Walking In Divine Health.

The Bible Diet and Health
What does the Bible say about food.


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