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Rumsfeld, Tennet (ex-capo della CIA) e altri sette membri del governo e delle forze armate vengono accusati in Germania per i crimini di Abu Ghraib. Il diritto tedesco offre questa possibilità.

In a historic effort to hold high-ranking U.S. officials accountable for brutal acts of torture including the widely publicized abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib, on Tuesday November 30, 2004, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and four Iraqi citizens filed a criminal complaint with the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office at the Karlsruhe Court, Karlsruhe, Germany. Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.

Some of the US army officers targeted by the complaint being currently present on the German soil, this initiative is based on the principle of universal jurisdiction and relies on the German Code of crimes against International law, which allows for the prosecution of perpetrators of serious violations of international Human rights and humanitarian law, wherever committed and whatever the nationality of the victims and the perpetrators.

Per i avvocati il fatto che Rumsfeld deve stare attento in quale paese viaggia è già un successo.

[via Ost:Blog]


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